The document below is an example of materials created for the BroadJump marketing and sales groups, defining the options available for the VirtualTruck broadband installation product. Since it was skinnable (visually customizable) for broadband partners, it was very important to define the screens elements that could altered vs. the ones that could not. |
BroadJump requires the following
information for branding the VTI 2.0 product: §
Splash screen bitmap §
Shutdown screen bitmap §
Default layout §
Rich Help layout §
About… screen bitmap §
Custom buttons (if applicable) §
ChannelDirect content (if applicable) Splash Screen Specifications: An example of the splash screen
graphic, using the BroadJump logo, is shown below for illustrative
purposes. Graphic size requirements are
also displayed. Shutdown Screen Specifications: The shutdown screen is similar to the
Splash screen in that it is displayed while the program is doing other
operations. NOTE: Somewhere on the bitmap should be text stating that a
shutdown is in progress. About… Screen Specifications: The About… screen will display legal
and copyright information in series of simple scrolling text fields. The fields
are navigated by a set of buttons on the lower edge of the screen (i.e.,
"Legal", "Copyright", etc.). A customer branding graphic
will be displayed at the top of the screen, using the dimensions below. Custom
Button Requirements:
Skinned Button Styles (Level 2)
levels for Default and Rich Help Area Layout There are
three levels of skinning available for VTI 2.0:
Vector artwork (Illustrator, Flash, or Freehand) from customer for branding and
any art direction/specification files.
Same as Level 1, plus any edit requirements for UI strings, spec for button
look & feel.
Same as Level 2, plus spec for controls and animations look & feel, Help
content. Examples
of the Default Layout Template and the Help Area Layout are detailed below. 1. Options·
Audio overlay: Rich Help may
have synch audio (narration, music) added to any screen or animation. Expensive
implications--professional narration/musicians, sound studio, quality
compression of audio--but very user friendly for things like Help files. At
least a month for script development, asset production, and integration. |